Two surveys have been conducted in this neighborhood! Excellent feedback has been received from the residents which will drive action, growth, and participation in this neighborhood.
We have waited over a year to finally host an in person neighborhood meeting! Sunday, June 13th 2-4pm at Westover Park will be a time to come together to meet each other, greet each other, share goals and information, and have a good time.
From this event the goal is to establish a working neighborhood group to partner with the City to achieve the needs and wants that arose from the surveys. Scroll below to click on the survey results gathered. If you want to be involved in your neighborhood, please contact Officer Cindi Threlkeld at 937-847-6675 or cindi.threlkeld@cityofmiamisburg.com.
Click The PDF To View The Follow Up Seibert/Riverview/Curtis Neighborhood Survey