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Seibert Bulk Trash Pick-Up

Miamisburg CARES

It's never too late for spring cleaning. Start setting aside your bulk trash for the upcoming Seibert Plat Bulk Trash Pick-Up Event! October 3-5, 2022

  • Place items at the curb for pick-up by October 1st.

  • Acceptable Items: bagged trash and yard waste (60 lbs. or less), brush and limbs (tied in bundles 4 ft. by 2 ft.), furniture and mattresses, lumber and carpet (cut to 4 ft. in length), appliances, tires, electronics, household hazardous waste (batteries, paint, lights, motor oil, etc.).

  • Unacceptable Items: explosives and ammunition, radioactive material, pharmaceuticals, gasoline and kerosene.

  • Inoperable vehicles parked in the street may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

For questions or further details call 937-847-6532 or 937-847-6635




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City of Miamisburg

20 E. Central Avenue,

Miamisburg OH 45342

Community Development

Phone: 937 847-6532

Fax: 937 847-6662

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