It's never too late for spring cleaning. Start setting aside your bulk trash for the upcoming Seibert Plat Bulk Trash Pick-Up Event! October 3-5, 2022
Place items at the curb for pick-up by October 1st.
Acceptable Items: bagged trash and yard waste (60 lbs. or less), brush and limbs (tied in bundles 4 ft. by 2 ft.), furniture and mattresses, lumber and carpet (cut to 4 ft. in length), appliances, tires, electronics, household hazardous waste (batteries, paint, lights, motor oil, etc.).
Unacceptable Items: explosives and ammunition, radioactive material, pharmaceuticals, gasoline and kerosene.
Inoperable vehicles parked in the street may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
For questions or further details call 937-847-6532 or 937-847-6635