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Miamisburg CARES

Riverview Improvements Public Meeting Re-Cap

Thank you to all the residents who were able to make the Riverview Avenue Roadway Improvement Project public meeting at Bear Elementary School on Monday, March 13th. We were delighted to see so many neighbors interested in learning more about this important project, providing valuable first hand knowledge to the design team, and showing their commitment to making the Curtis-Riverview-Siebert area a better place to live, work, and play.

The project is a direct result of the research conducted in 2020 via the Miamisburg C.A.R.E.S. program to understand the needs and desires of the neighborhood. Those who responded indicated a strong desire for a reconstructed and fully accessible Riverview Avenue corridor. In response to these desires, the project will include a new asphalt surface, curb, gutter, sidewalk (west side only), and stormwater improvements, among other enhancements. The end product will be a Riverview Avenue corridor which provides a quality entryway to the surrounding neighborhoods.

At the meeting, City Staff shared large-format prints of the initial plans for the reconstruction of Riverview Avenue. Residents were offered the opportunity to review the plans and provide general feedback on the corridor, or specific feedback regarding their property. City Staff also shared general information about the project, a project timeline, and opportunities where residents can provide future feedback or receive regular progress updates.

For those of you who were unable to appear at the meeting, the City of Miamisburg asks for your comments on the project. Below is a link to download the most recent version of the roadway design. Please take a moment to review the proposal and provide feedback via the Contact link at the top of the page, by calling 937-847-6531, or emailing

Your comments are welcomed and encouraged as the City finalizes the roadway design in the coming months for the commencement of construction in 2024.




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City of Miamisburg

20 E. Central Avenue,

Miamisburg OH 45342

Community Development

Phone: 937 847-6532

Fax: 937 847-6662

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